Monday, January 18, 2010

Januay 18, 2010

I have lost five pounds so far. I feel like it should have been more but real weight loss seems to be slow going as opposed to water loss. I've been relying a lot on lean cuisines when I am too tired to cook which seems like quite a few days with my gym schedule. Yesterday for lunch I had a Lean Cuisine pizza and then some veggies and chicken as a supplement. The pizza, for being a diet pizza was around 350 calories, pretty small and definitely not filling. My little container of chicken and veggies was more satisfying. Additionally, the Lean Cuisine pizza was filled with tons of sodium which I don't need to make my PMS any worse guys :). I could have had a real piece of pizza and it would have been healthier. If you are like me, I workout after work so by the time I get home I don't feel like preparing a whole dinner. That is my time to relax and catch up with my family and friends. The moral here is I'll have to take the time one day a week to cook and freeze some portions ahead of time. You have to try things for yourself and see how they go and learn from your mistakes.

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