Monday, July 4, 2011

As of this morning I have lost 25 pounds.  I am very excited as I have met my first goal and surpassed it.  I think I might have mentioned the importance of small measurable goals.  You shouldn't say to yourself I am going to lose 50 pounds by such and such date. Life and weight-loss unfortunately don't work like that.  You don't want to set yourself up for disappointment because that could trigger feelings of failure. A better way to set-up your mini-goals would be to say I am going to lose 20 pounds but with no specific deadline or if you are the type of person who needs deadlines to function or get motivated make them about exercise. 

An example of this would be an exercise goal I set for myself for the month of June. I promised myself I would workout at least five times per week.  I also said I would track my exercise and my food intake.  More on food tracking later.  Each day I recorded my workouts, what I did and for how long.  Now when I look back at the month and see the classes and hours of exercise I've logged it is incredibly motivating.  This will be something I continue to do. 

I also diligently tracked my food intake. Anything that went into my mouth was recorded, portion sizes, quantity and time of day. I've realized from past failed attempts to lose weight that this element is essential.  When you measure or weigh your food and try to eyeball it or write it down later you are always eating more quantity wise. Tracking my food will also be key to meeting my next set of goals. 

Remember, it only takes 30 days to form a healthy new habit :)

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!!! 25 pounds is a serious achievement!! Keep on rockin it!
